Brand identity for the International Council of Music Creators

Project Details

The International Council of Music Creators is a global organisation that brings the voice of working songwriters to the debate on authors rights. 652South was contracted to rework the council’s brand identity and created a new logotype that captured the importance of new songwriters to the campaign messaging.

The logotype was accompanied by a full suite of digital and print materials including templates, letterheads, business cards and social media branding.

Shortly after, we used the brand identity kit to develop an overview brochure for the organisation. 652South handled the copywriting and visual design for this four-page A5 print document which is still in use today.

About the Client

The International Council Of Music Creators (CIAM) was created in 1966 to protect the rights and assert the cultural aspirations of music creators, CIAM focuses on the key issues directly concerning the moral rights of composers and creators of music.

It promotes their professional, economic and legal interests and serves as a forum for cooperation and networking. It facilitates the exchange of information, ideas and best practice, and provides practical advice to help musical creators defend their professional environment.


The CIAM branding is in use across all five continents where the organisation is active. It has been used in large print for events, on annual reports, in digital materials and as an icon online.

The brochure was successful in giving new music creators an introduction to the council’s work. It has been used as an online download, as a mailing attachment and at international songwriter camps held in Sweden and Taipei.

Brand Strategy

Brand guidelines and templates

Design and copywriting of brochures

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